Valuable Links covering the 2020 Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic to be regularly updated.

Center For Disease Control

World Health Organization

End Coronavirus – Independent COVID 19 Tracker

The Johns Hopkins Tracker of Worldwide Cases and Fatalities

Financial Times (FT) Tracker of infection curve

The Atlantic Magazine Coverage:

Deep Background

Smithsonian Magazine Feature – The 1918 -1919 H1N1 Flu Pandemic

The 1918 Flu (H1N1 virus) Pandemic got its name as the “Spanish” Flu because it was journalists and Spanish newspapers that accurately reported that a mysterious and virulent flu was spreading widely among Allied soldiers during the first world war. British, French, and US newspapers had censored any mention of the H1N1 flu virus. The earliest reported case of the H1N1 virus, also known as the “bird flu”, was in 1918, where US soldiers training at Camp Funston in Kansas had been stricken with ‘grippe’. It would be US soldiers that helped to contribute to the spread of the virus that would claim an estimate of 50 to 100 million people globally.

NYC Coverage

Coronavirus in New York City

More Context
NYT Podcast – The Daily “Why The US Is Running Out of Supplies”

Media Narrative Analysis

A blog post about media literacy needed during a pandemic with the virulent spread of misinformation/ malinformation about COVID19 on social media.

Ways to Avoid Misinformation During The Coronavirus Pandemic

On The Media Coverage:

From The Atlantic: How To Talk About Coronavirus by Liz Neely

Labor & Economic Impact

Whole Foods Walkout –

Amazon and COVID-19

The Gig Economy –